I hope you're paying attention to my other note, because it's a potential game changer.

You say we must do something...

If politicians are afraid of the swamp, how much more are they afraid of their truth being exposed?

And they should be.

AI has the power to advance transparency and send it to everyone's phone or desktop.

Think of what that means.


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?Lexi… How many government agencies are spying on me at the moment?

?Lexi… Which propaganda elements are biasing fact checkers?

?Lexi… How many government activities are violating the US Constitution?

?Lexi… which and how many lobbyists are trying to buy my Congressman?

Instead of us worrying about government employing AI against us, shouldn't government be worried about us using AI as a truth engine against it?

We've been looking at AI and drones the wrong way.

Imagine Alex Jones with a hundred broadcasts, each enhanced with AI and focused on different areas of corruption, able in real time to cross reference nefarious events, entities and actors.

Imagine an AI driven Google alternative platform, able to match power point for point.

Imagine AI fact checking the fact checkers.

Imagine AI exposing MSM's lies and propaganda.

Imagine AI to AI debates, pointing out controversies between digital answers within an objective forum, displayed in the public square. It would be like Casio and Texas Instruments with the same mantissa calculating pi and arriving at different answers. Obviously a problem.

If AI is a gun for a bad guy, shouldn't a good guy have one too?

Wouldn't it be nice to have AI feedback on which and how many conservatives are being deplatformed, shadowbanned, censored, shut down and immediately generate five clone/replacement platforms for each one?


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Mel K - Thank you for this research

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thank you Mel K

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